Why do we give?

God is generous and so he calls us to be as well. What we do with what God has given us shows the world where our hearts are, and helps proclaim the Gospel. We want to glorify God in every area of our lives, and that includes our finances.

Ways to Give

Give Online

Subsplash offers a secure way to give via your bank account or card with minimal processing fees.

Give In Person

You are always welcome to give a check or cash during the offering time on Sunday mornings.

Mail A Check

You can send a check at any time, made out to Christ Central Church to our church office:
Christ Central Church
1004 N. Mangum Street
Durham, NC 27701

Donor-Advised Funds
Donor-advised funds allow donors to give cash, stocks, and other assets to a charitable trust, immediately receive a tax deduction, allow those assets to grow, and then direct their funds to not-for-profits of their choosing. If you're interested in setting up a donor-advised fund in order to give to Christ Central Church, you can set up a fund and learn more at https://www.ncfgiving.com/.

Stock Gifts
‍Christ Central is able to accept transfers of publicly traded stock. If you're interested in giving stock, please email Carson Rockett.

Crypto gifts
Christ Central is able to accept gifts of cryptocurrency. If you're interested in giving cryptocurrency, please email Meredith Miller.

Other Non-Cash Assets
If you have other non-cash assets (real estate, business interests, estate gifts, etc.) you're interested in giving, please email Carson Rockett.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email info@christcentraldurham.com.


Thank you for your commitment to helping accomplish the vision of Christ Central Durham through this campaign. Your support is vital in our ability to secure and renovate a historic building as a long-term home for gospel ministry in the heart of the city. By taking the first steps in fulfilling your commitment, we hope you will experience the joy of being a part of something that will impact lives for years.