Men’s Ministry
The men's ministry exists to foster an ever-increasing awareness of our need for Jesus and for others. From that place of neediness, we seek to cultivate: strong spiritual disciplines, deep friendships, emotional health, and life on mission.
Men’s Bible Study
Every fall and spring the men of Christ Central gather on Wednesday mornings to study God’s word as well as develop deeper friendships with one another. These morning studies have proven to be one of the best ways for men to get connected and find community at Christ Central.
This spring, we will be doing a 10-week study on Paul’s letter to the Philippians. The title of this study is “Finding Joy When Life is Hard,” a topic that we think all of us can relate to on some level. Our study will meet on Wednesday mornings at 6:30 am beginning February 5th. Sign up below!
The Durham Church Basketball League has been resurrected and we're hoping to field two teams from Christ Central this year. Erik McKee and Zach Oyler will be running point and organizing teams. Spread the word.
Cost: $25 per player (jersey provided)
Location: Grey Stone Church, 2601 Hillsborough Rd, Durham, NC 27705
Commitment: Games on Saturdays (between) 4:00 PM-7:00 PM, running from February 1st to April 5th with a single elimination tournament being held on April 10th (6:00 PM-9:00 PM), April 11th and 12th (times TBD)
Our Men’s Sexual Recovery group is a safe place for men to Biblically process and grow from sexual sin with each other, in Scripture, and in prayer. It has been fruitful and encouraging for the men who have attended in the past.
We hold a strong commitment to confidentiality at all meetings. Similarly, the time and location will be shared only to men who have expressed interest. Email here with questions or for meeting details.