Women’s Ministry

Over the past few years, we have inductively studied Old and New Testament books to grow deeper in our love and knowledge of God. We have approached the text intending to let it shape our lives. This year, we will continue this pursuit by focusing on spiritual disciplines so we can continue to apply the knowledge of Scripture to our lives.

Our next Women’s Bible Study will focus on the spiritual discipline of Evangelism. Sharing our faith is a call Jesus gives to all of us when he says, “Therefore, go…” We will spend time looking at conversations Jesus has with various people and the way the apostles shared their faith in Acts, gleaning from their conversations so we can have better gospel conversations.

The study will run for 11 weeks starting the week of January 27th, and skip one week in March. We offer a variety of meeting times. Please email christie@christcentraldurham.com with any questions.

If you participated in our Fall study on prayer, please make sure to register again.

Our Women’s Sexual Recovery group is a safe place for women to Biblically process and grow from sexual sin with each other, in Scripture, and in prayer. It has been fruitful and encouraging for the women who have attended in the past.

We hold a strong commitment to confidentiality at all meetings. Similarly, the time and location will be shared only to women who have expressed interest. Email here with questions or for meeting details.