Professional Counseling
What is professional counseling?
Each of us are used to resolving problems quickly and easily. We have the power, it seems, to swiftly and logically 'fix' most difficulties in our lives. However, when it comes to relationships, emotions, or traumatic experiences the answers usually aren't obvious or simple.
There are a variety of reasons you might find yourself seeking help; perhaps depression, anger, or addiction have taken over your life; maybe you've been deeply wounded by those who were supposed to keep you safe; you might be concerned for one of your children and just don't know where else to turn. Whatever the reason, we hope to partner alongside you in your journey. Professional Counseling can facilitate a space for healing by providing you with a safe place to talk about your life.
At Christ Central, we recognize that spiritual health and growth are intimately tied with emotional and psychological health. We can help you connect to a therapist with whom we have a personal relationship. Every professional we refer to is someone we have met face to face and interviewed concerning their practice. Our goal is to present you with therapists we know, trust, and believe you will connect with easily, to find the help you need.
How do I know if I need counseling?
We all experience times of stress, grief, sadness, or conflict so it's difficult to discern at what point to get professional help. Truthfully, counseling can be beneficial regardless of how "serious" your problem seems to be. Sometimes we need a safe place to talk, and professional counseling can provide that.
Here are a few signals that professional counseling could be helpful for you:
The problem you are experiencing significantly affects your quality of life (eating habits, sleep, relationships, work, etc.)
You've been through a traumatic experience, and it seems to have overtaken you and your daily life.
Significant loss or grief (death of a loved one, major illness, beginning a difficult new season)
You are using a substance (alcohol, drugs, etc.) to cope with your feelings or circumstances.
You feel hopeless and have become disinterested in activities you used to enjoy.
Significant relationships in your life have been impaired or ended because of what's happening to you.
Loved ones in your life have mentioned they are concerned about you and/or your behavior.
You're here, and you don't know where else to turn.
Still not sure? Feel free to reach out to us here if you have more questions.
Counseling Assistance Form
Christ Central Church is delighted to come alongside our members and attendees as they pursue emotional and mental health. We offer partial support for up to 8 sessions, and we require that applicants contribute at least a portion to the cost of each session. We can issue support in the form of direct payment to the therapist or a reimbursement (receipt required). If you have questions or concerns, please send us an email here.
Understanding that sharing your story can be a vulnerable and painful process, we aim to honor and protect your privacy through our confidential referral system.
We have provided space below where you can make a confidential request for a counseling referral. Feel free to share whatever information feels necessary and safe. We will do our best to offer you the name(s) of therapists or resources which we believe can help you.