What is Lent?

The Lent tradition began in the 3rd and 4th centuries of the early church as a period of 40 days (a season) of preparation and repentance in anticipation of the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Day. The word "lent" comes from the Latin word meaning “dawning of the sun.” This early church practice was born out of the biblical narrative of Israel wandering in the wilderness for 40 years and Jesus' temptation the wilderness for 40 days; the church adopted 40 days of preparation for Easter’s “dawning of the sun”— Jesus Christ’s triumphal resurrection from death, when God’s light of the world triumphed and dawned upon all of the brokenness and darkness of His creation.

Lent is a season for the church to reflect and examine the darkness that lies within our own hearts and the darkness of our world. It is a season of repentance and a cry for God to restore and redeem, all with an eye and heart anticipating Easter Day, when a crucified Messiah would powerfully resurrect and usher in His redemption. Lent is a time to enter into mourning, to ask God to help us see our own frailty and brokenness, to help us mourn for our neighbors, this city, and our world, crying out for deep personal and corporate repentance

Why Lent? If you grew up in a church tradition, it’s possible you grew up with one of two postures towards Lent:

1. Observed Lent every year. Perhaps you observed just because you were supposed to, and Lent became perfunctory and lost its potency.
2. Never observed Lent. Perhaps you grew up in a tradition that didn’t observe any of the church calendar/seasons because the church felt like every day was supposed to be lived in light of the whole gospel story (i.e. Christmas and Easter).

Personally, I have spent time in both traditions, and have come to a place where I am extremely grateful for times and seasons of focus and preparation of the gospel story, all while praying that our rhythms never become rote and lose the potency of the gospel.

How will we celebrate Lent this year? Lent begins on Wednesday, February 14th, which is Ash Wednesday. It is the beginning of this season of mourning and repentance. It is often marked by the imposition of ashes on the forehead to remind us of the frailty and brokenness of our world, the mourning we enter into, and the hope that we have because Christ took on our mortality and was raised from ashes so that we might share in His resurrection life.

May we all grow in this season of mourning and reflection as we anticipate the triumph of Easter morning.

Lent Reflections

This year, Black History Month overlaps with Lent. Lent is a season for us to lament and grieve our sins as we long for healing and redemption, which comes in Jesus's death and resurrection, which we will celebrate during Holy Week. We are offering this Lenten devotional that spans Black History Month as a resource for formation during this season. Download our devotional using the link below!

Events During Lent

Ash Wednesday // February 14th

We will mark the beginning of Lent on Wednesday, February 22nd with Ash Wednesday.
From 7:30 am - 8:15 am we will offer the imposition of ashes at the steps of the sanctuary. This will be a drop-in opportunity for anyone to stop by as they begin their day.

At 6:00 pm we will have an Ash Wednesday service here at the church!

Lenten Prayer Service

Join us each Wednesday at 11:40 am during Lent beginning February 21st for our Lenten Prayer Service. This service will be a time of prayer and reflection amid our daily lives as we prepare for Easter. We hope you’ll join us in the boardroom each week!

Lenten Healing Service // March 3rd at 5:00 pm

Join us for a unique Lenten Healing Service on Sunday, March 3rd at 5:00 pm. This service is designed to help us come together in the spirit of Lent and seek healing for our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical needs through prayer and music.